What You Need To Know About Subcision

acne scars treatment subcision



Are you tired of living with acne scars? 

Tried many skincare but it just doesn't work?

Subcision might be the solution you're looking for. 

This treatment involves using a needle to break up scar tissue under the skin, which can help to lift and smooth out depressed scars. 

So don't let your acne scars hold you back any longer - try subcision and let your beautiful skin shine through!

Our patients reported their skin is better after 3 sessions, with even some reports having seen improvements in just 1 session.  

Subcision Benefits
Try out our service with 1 session of FREE Fractional laser worth RM1800 (can also be used for hair loss)

Subcision is the go-to treatment for those with deep acne scar problem. 


Deep acne scars are caused by the fibrous tissues that pull down the skin downwards. 


This caused the skin to have uneven texture and appear depressed. 




This treatment is like a magic wand for your skin, using a needle to break up the scar tissue that's causing those pesky depressed scars. But don't worry, it's not as scary as it sounds! 


The needle used is thin and gentle, and the procedure itself is quick and relatively painless.


By breaking up the scar tissue under the skin, subcision helps to lift and smooth out the depressed scars, resulting in a more even and youthful appearance. 


It's a great option for those looking to improve the appearance of acne scars without the downtime and hassle of surgery.




This treatment can also help to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, improve skin laxity, texture, and reduce stretch marks. 


It's a versatile treatment that can give your skin the boost it needs to look and feel its best.


So why wait? If you're ready to say goodbye to acne scars and hello to smoother, brighter skin, it's time to try subcision. 


Your self-confidence (and Instagram followers) will thank you!


Price Of Hair Growth Laser.

The cost of subcision in Malaysia varies from RM 500 - 1000 depending on the clinics that you go to. 


Meanwhile, the cost of Subcision in The Luxe Clinic is RM800 per session.

  • Acne scars
  • Deep scars
  • Icepick, boxcar scars
  • Fine lines & wrinkles
  • Big skin pores
Why Choose This Treatment?
  • Quick treatment, with sessions typically lasting about 30 minutes
  • High efficiency rate with low risks
  • Multiple skin concerns can be addressed in a single session
  • Minimally invasive with minimal downtime
  • Fast results, meaning you can save time and money on multiple sessions
  • No need for a recovery period, so you can get back to your normal routine right away
Why Choose Us
  • 8 private parking with jockeys - so you don’t have to worry about finding parking in the busy streets of Bangsar.
  • 7 spacious and comfortable treatment rooms
  • 2 highly experienced doctors with 12 years of experience combined - enjoy your treatment without having to worry about doctors skill.
  • We bring only the best technologies - absolutely no compromise to the standard of treatment.
  • Friendly staff and doctors who will pamper your needs.
  • Get Premium services at affordable price
See the result equivalent of more than 10,000 razors
Complimentary consultations for 30 earliest customers